Friday 24 October 2014


Before we try to know how to cook the bittergourd curry, we ought to know its nutritional value.
various health benefits that bitter gourd provides are as follows: It is used to treat various diseases including cholera, diabetes mellitus, eye disorders, sleep disorders, blood disorders, piles, constipation, indigestion, respiratory problems etc. Apart from treatment option, it is also an energy and immune boosting food that when consumed on a regular basis (say three to four times a week) gives enormous positive results for the human body. It also helps to remove the toxins from the liver.
Bitter gourd also has beauty effects where it helps to clean the blood from within, purifies the blood system and gives natural glowing skin free of acne and other skin disorders. The reason behind this is the presence of antioxidants in large quantity in this vegetable. If children are introduced to the taste of bitter gourd from a young age, they get used to the taste gradually and get accustomed to food preparations using bitter gourd. The vegetable helps to strengthen the immune system in children, rendering them less vulnerable to diseases.

100 grams of bitter gourd comprises of the following nutrients: 

 Calcium - 19 mg
 Copper - 0.034 mg
 Dietary Fiber - 3 g 
 Dietary Folate Equivalents - 72 mcg
 Folate - 72 mcg
 Food Folate - 5.6 mcg 
 Iron - 0.43 mg
 Magnesium - 17 mg
 Manganese - 0.089 mg
 Pantothenic Acid - 0.212 mcg
 Phosphorus - 31 mg
 Potassium - 296 mg
 Protein - 1 g
 Selenium - 0.2 mcg
 Sodium - 5 mg
 Total Carbohydrates - 4 g
 Zinc - 0.8 mg
 Vitamin A – 471 IU
 Vitamin C – 84 mg
 Total Fat - 0g
 Saturated Fat - 0g
 Cholesterol - 0 mg
 Folic Acid - 0 mcg 
 Sugars - 0 g 

Bitter melon or bitter gourd is generally cooked in the green stage. In Chinese cooking, bitter melon is typically stir-fried, or used for soups. Bitter melon tea is also available. In Indian cuisine, bitter melon is stuffed with spices and cooked in oil. It is also prepared as curry, deep fried with peanuts or other nuts or tossed lightly in a salad. It is believed that bitter melon's health benefits are due to its active ingredients - momordicins, cucurbitacin B, and glycosides (such as momordin, charantin, charantosides, goyaglycosides, momordicosides). Consume bitter gourd regularly and live a healthy life.

                                            BITTERGOURD TAMARIND CURRY

Ingredients :

bittergourd 250 Gms seeds removed and chopped
tamarind 15gms
jaggery 15gms
salt to taste
one hybrid tomato finely chopped
Asafoetida one pinch
gingelly oil one tablespoon
mustard seeds
fenugreek powder half pinch
curry leaves one bunch finely chopped
onions finely chopped
turmeric powder one small spoon
shakthy sambar powder one tablespoon.


Add gingelly oil one tablespoon in a cooking vessel.
Allow the mustard seeds to splutter.
Add onion pieces curry leaves and one pinch of asafoetida and half pinch of fenugreek seed powder.
saute well with turmeric.
Add chopped bittergourd pieces
saute well. 
Add salt to season the pieces.
Pour the tamarind extract prepared by soaking tamarind in little water.
Add jaggery and enough salt.
and sambar powder.
Allow to cook for 10 minutes.
when the gravy becomes thick, remove the curry from the flame .
Mix one spoon of gingelly oil with the cooked curry.
Garnish with coriander leaves finally . It will give an extra flavor to this curry.

Your Bitter gourd  tamarind curry is now ready to taste with cooked rice. 

Try this curry....!

I am looking forward to your esteemed comments.


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